- TEAM11 - 



Število 11 velja za močno, mojstrsko število. Veljalo naj bi tudi za nekakšen ključ do nezavednega, odpiranje naše zavesti in širšega razumevanja na širši ravni. Število 11 velja za nekakšno
digitalno kodo, tako kot so vijačnice naše DNK polne kod našega fizičnega telesa. Kadar tekom svojega dneva naletimo na to število, po možnosti celo podvojeno (npr. na digitalni uri 11:11), naj bi to običajno napovedovalo obdobje velikih notranjih sprememb. Število 11 pomeni preporod in prihod novega.

Ker smo tako prepričani v našo zgodbo, smo tudi društvu oziroma v njem zbrani ekipi nadeli številko 11. Športniki pod okriljem TEAM11, ki tekmujejo v svojem športu v več disciplinah, se pogosto ne zadovoljijo zgolj z zmago v eni disciplini, želijo osvojiti dvakrat prvo mesto oziroma več njih. Niso redki športniki, ki imajo v sezoni dvojne naslove prvakov oziroma so uspešni v več disciplinah. In ponovno smo pri team11. Smo eni redkih, ki izvajamo celovito obravnavo športnikov ne glede na njihovo primarno športno disciplino in smo eni redkih, ki na dolgi rok poleg športnega delovanja prepoznavamo sinergije v poslovnem in zasebnem delovanju.


TEAM11 is collaborating with professionals of different profiles, who are working in preparing
athletes and managers with various aspects, who are putting together a mosaic that leads
to improvement and enrichment of the human being. The team’s mosaic is comprised of professionals, who do not need media exposure. Furthermore, team11 has implemented the ethical principle of not publicly disclosing the names of professionals with whom they collaborate. The results of our work are measured with satisfaction and results of our protégés. The purpose of team11 is comprehensive review of individuals or teams, as well as raising awareness with parents and others involved in the process.

With all of the above, we also provide help to businessmen and their teams. We help them by
organising events for shaping a coordinated and highly motivated business environment. The
programmes are directed towards developmen and leadership of effective teams and encouraging
the creative potential of individuals and groups. In the business world companies must
not forget their biggest capital - their employees. Events for team and individual activities
increase the motivation of employees, which in consequence helps with the company’s competitiveness and success.

Team11 is comprised of a broad circle of associates:

• special technique trainers
• condition trainers for athletes and companies
• physiotherapists and kinesiologists
• psychologists and psychotherapists
• general practitioners, occupational and sports medicine specialists
• nutrition consultations and clinical dietetics
• public speaking experts, experts for marketing, and sports management
• digital content, social network, and video analysis experts
• non-sport experts in the field of law, insurance, project leadership
• managers
• others

With professionalization of sports, coaches have also had to professionalise. In younger teams
the main goal of the coach is to help athletes to develop technical skills with an emphasis on
enjoying the game and fair play, and developing physical and tactical content. Nevertheless, it is
important to gradually change the style, content, difficulty, and frequency of trainings in such a
way, that the right balance of the athlete’s development is achieved. Decisions must be made all
the time. An important wisdom is “less is more”, which translates into the need to observe the
athlete, manager or their colleagues and assess potential overload.